
Heat Wave

Heat Wave


On June 27th of 2021, Seattle and Greater Area hit a record breaking temperature of 105 degree (F.) We were able to get one AC that we blasted out all day in our bedroom for our huskies, Oreo and Cookie. I woke up at 5AM and quickly hurried my dogs into the car , drove 45mins to the biggest dog park in Seattle: Marymoor off-leash dog park, and let the dogs get their energy out before a long day of just staying indoor. The park, for the first time, was full of people and their companions.

The heat generated from all the 3D rendering slowly turned my office into an oven. By 3PM, I had to take a break from work and got myself an ice-cream to cool down. Oreo and Cookie were happily chilling in our bedroom, next to the roaring AC at full power.

By June 29th, I distinctively remembered the feeling of cool air brushed against my skin as I let Oreo and Cookie out to our balcony (their favourite place.) I was taking the chilling weather of Seattle for granted and those 3 days taught me the lesson. Inspired by the events, I decided to turn my daily Visual Journal into 3D artwork.

Oreo and Cookie at Marymoor Dog Park

Sketches from my journal. I forgot to take a photo before filling in my thoughts.